For Entrepreneurs

For Entrepreneurs

We will generate you fans, leads, and sales calls every month with Fractional Media Ops (Or you don't pay)

Start posting high quality videos without having to deal with another content agency, non-communicative freelancers, or spending 45+ mins setting up your own equipment.

Important Notice

Important Notice

Content is becoming commoditized. If you want to scale and close more clients with content, you can’t afford to be a commodity.

Videos are easier to film and edit than ever before.

Pull out a phone, film, and post.

With rising ad costs, prospects jaded to cold emails, and sophisticating markets, leveraging and differentiating your personal brand with content is the only way to compound client acquisition.

But with positives always come the negatives.

The caveat is that if you put out bad content, you’re going to stay stagnant and your growth will plateau (and maybe even dip). You’ll say, “Content doesn’t work” or “It takes up too much time” and inevitably stop posting before you gave it a real try.

And with the barrier of entry being easier than ever before to edit videos, that automatically means more terrible content is out there than ever before - and even more people selling bad content as a service.

Agencies and freelancers, more times than not, see it as a cash-grab than a skill to learn and master, which is what actually generates meaningful results.

This is where most people go wrong when they start posting content online.

Consistent, good quality content is the key for long term success and growth.

On the other side, in-house media teams have good expertise and quality, but comes with an extremely expensive price tag that isn’t justifiable for creating videos on a consistent basis.

So what’s the solution to building your personal brand at the highest cailber, without sacrificing a ton of your time or money?

Glad you asked.

To win big with content in 2024 and never deal with run-of-the-mill bad quality short-form agencies or freelancers ever again, you need Fractional Media Ops.

This includes the following:

  1. A dedicated media team that shoots videos wherever you are.

  2. Back-end systems to convert the newfound traffic into leads (and eventually sales).

An extension of your in-house team, without the price tag.

All of this doesn’t only drastically increase the quality of your videos across the board, but it will also affect your views - which as we know, directly correlates with the amount of opt-ins or booked sales calls you get on your calendar.

Interested so far? Keep reading to see how we implement this system.

Our Workflow

Simple process, maximum results

Week 1: Scripting

After we sign to work together, we send you a questionnaire to get an in-depth understanding of your market. We then generate ideas and scripts that are specific to your niche and personality.

Week 2: Fly & Shoot

We fly to your city and make sure the camera, lighting, and audio equipment are all set up so you can simply just look at your script, and start shooting high-production value videos over the course of a couple or few days.

While we’re there, we also create some assets to use moving forward, like photos for YouTube thumbnails and b-roll footage.

Week 3: Produce

Our editing team then creates the videos, and once you’re happy with how it’s looking, we start scheduling.

If there’s a specific video that receives positive feedback or has gone viral, we make sure to capitalize on that attention and make iterations of it.

Week 4: Backend & Iterate

We create a back-end systems depending on what you need to help capture the new influx of traffic, and convert it to whatever your goal is. More clients, sell more info-products, newsletter sign ups, etc.

If there is specific videos that receive positive feedback or has gone viral, we make sure to capitalize on that attention and make iterations of it.

Lastly, we track these metrics using Hyros to make sure you can see the direct attributed revenue each video produces.

About Us

What makes Us special?

Great question - if you weren’t a little skeptical, I would be worried. My name is Trent and I’m the Founder of Aptly Studios.

Video creation has been a staple of my life since I was 10 years old making videos with my friend across the street.

For years, I’ve done everything from working in the film industry, to commercial videography, to filming music videos, filming brand deals with celebrities, and to managing a team of 25+ editors as a COO of a 7-fig content agency.

After working in video production and marketing for 7+ years, I’ve put my own personal spin on creating the best system to help previouslty successful entrepreneurs leverage as little amount of their time as possible for the highest return to aquire mass impressions, all while turning that traffic into clients.

Book a Call

IT’S time to revamp your content process

This is for entrepreneurs that: are making at least $40k/mo and are looking to expand their content operations.

This is for entrepreneurs that: are making at least $40k/mo, are looking to build or expand content operations, and/or have been burnt by content agencies or freelancers in the past.


Got Questions?

"I don't see the benefit / ROI in building a personal brand"

"I don't see the benefit / ROI in building a personal brand"

"It takes too much time to film content - I don't have enough""

"It takes too much time to film content - I don't have enough""

"Why should we work with you instead of an agency or freelancers?"

"Why should we work with you instead of an agency or freelancers?"

There's Nothing else down here.

Schedule a 30 minute no-pressure conversation below and let’s see if our service is a right fit for you.




How It Works
